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Gods & Monsters: The Gods & Monsters Trilogy Book 1 Page 18

  Jane glanced around again. It didn’t take long for her to identify the room as the same one she’d been in before. They’d set her up on the bed, propping her up with pillows.

  It was then she looked to her other side. David.

  He was slumped in a chair with his head resting near her hand. She smiled as she took in his sleeping face, but she quickly frowned. He looked a lot paler than normal, and the dark circles under his eyes showed he wasn’t taking care of himself. It looked as though he’d gotten very little sleep, too. He must need blood.

  Still, he was absolutely perfect, and she hated that she’d caused him to suffer. He’d saved her twice now, and his whole life had been ruined because he believed she was his soul mate.

  I’d never be so lucky to have someone like him.

  She brushed aside the hair that had fallen over his forehead. His dark hair was so soft and she played with it in her fingers a little longer than she should have.

  Being near him was as peaceful as it was stimulating. One smile from him seemed to almost soothe her tortured heart. It was a shame she’d only hurt his—that’s all she was good for. David deserved better than her.

  Before she could think more about how David deserved better, his dazzling, blue eyes opened. Her hand froze in his hair, and they stared at one another.

  He looked like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, making her wonder how long she’d been out.

  Finally, he smiled and put his hand over hers to hold against his face. Her oxygen mask hid her smile, but she couldn’t hide her sigh when he turned his face toward her palm and kissed it, then each of her fingers. She melted. She’d never been treated like this. The noisy monitor made her reactions to him more obvious, and she thanked God the mask hid her flushed face.

  “I did not think you would wake.” His voice was a scratchy, but it still made her skin sizzle.

  “Can I take this off?” she asked, motioning to the mask. Her voice was hoarse and muffled, but it seemed he had no problem understanding.

  He nodded and slid the mask down before grabbing a glass of water. She eagerly accepted his help to pour some much-needed liquid down her dry throat. She took small sips and gave a nod that she was done.

  “Thank you,” she said and cleared her throat. “How long have I been out?”

  David put her drink down. “Three days. We were all scared that we lost you for good this time.”

  She couldn’t believe that she had been unconscious for so long. It clearly hurt him that she had been like this. She lightly tugged his hand as she tried to sit up. “Come here.”

  Jane could tell he was tired, and she wanted to make him feel better. He needed to rest, too.

  When he didn’t move, she tugged his hand and finally got him to sit by her. “I didn’t mean to worry you all,” she said, watching him situate himself. He looked nervous about getting close with all the medical equipment still hooked up to her. It almost reminded her of an ICU unit. “It looks like someone fixed me up.”

  He watched her carefully. It was hard for her to get used to his presence, but she liked how concerned he was over her.

  “Do you remember what happened?”

  She almost laughed. “Yeah. I got my ass kicked by a werewolf.”

  His lip twitched, but he looked sad.

  “I think I prefer the kind of werewolves in new movies and books,” she said. “You, know, the kind that are just big wolves.”

  “There are different kinds.”

  She nodded and stared into his worried eyes. “These ones were scary. Like old school movie werewolves. I wasn’t expecting them to be like that.”

  “I know, baby,” he said. “I should have prepared you. We should have been more prepared.”

  “It’s not your fau—” a sudden pain exploded throughout her chest. Her eyes watered. She tried to smile to hide it, but it came out pained. She hated that she probably looked constipated.

  David gently pushed her back down. “Are you all right?” She nodded, and he pushed some hair behind her ear. “You need to relax. And of course it was my fault; I should never have let you get away from me. I’m so sorry, Jane.”

  It wasn’t his fault, though. She remembered most of the fight and how scared she’d been. David had stayed with her as much as he could. If he hadn’t joined the fight, she probably would have died. She searched his eyes, wondering how he could blame himself. She could see how much he cared for her. She remembered dreaming of him telling her how much he loved her. Too bad it had only been a dream.

  David frowned. “Why are you smiling?”

  She chuckled, embarrassed because she didn’t know she was. “It’s nothing. Don’t blame yourself, David. There is no way you could have kept them all away. I don’t think any of you were expecting that to happen. I’m just glad you were there with me.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes. “But I’ve almost lost you twice now. I never wanted to see you so close to death again. This was so much worse than the first time, if that is even possible.”

  “Stop,” she told him quickly. He opened his eyes. “I’m all right, okay? Look, even the pain just now is going away.”

  He grinned. “That is because you are tougher than any person I have ever met.”

  “I doubt that. So, who fixed me?” She didn’t want him to praise her for something she wasn’t.

  He sighed, leaned back, and brought her up to date.

  After telling her everything, he added, “Bed has kept you sedated, but I’ve been afraid you would not wake up.”

  “Why do you look like this?” She reached up to touch the circles under his eyes. “Have you been sleeping?”

  “I’ve been worried about you.” He smiled sadly. “And I am fine. They’re just drawing my blood as often as possible to administer to you. It’s only a little more than I would normally feed you.”

  “David,” she murmured. “I don’t want you to hurt because of me.”

  He caressed the side of her face. “Sweetheart, the only way you could hurt me is if I were to lose you.” He smiled, and she knew her watery eyes didn’t go unnoticed. “Why don’t I have Bed come check you out? Then maybe you can get cleaned up. I think you should get some food in you, too. Do you think you can handle that?”

  Unable to talk, she simply nodded.

  “Good,” he said, leaning down and kissing her forehead. He left his lips on her skin while he spoke. “I will go get him and tell the others you are awake.”

  Jane closed her eyes to savor his presence. He always made her feel so warm and safe. But he was gone before she could truly enjoy it.

  She stared at the door, wondering what she was going to do now. It seemed impossible to keep herself from having feelings for him. She knew it was too late to keep her distance from him. He’d already claimed his place in her heart.

  Don’t do this, she told herself. He deserves better.

  “Well, everything is healing nicely,” Bedivere said as he finished wrapping her fresh bandages. “You can eat, unless you’d like to freshen up first.”

  “Yeah. I feel gross, and I smell worse.” She looked at her binding. “How do I shower like this?”

  He chuckled. “My dear, you smell fine. We are used to blood and dirt. And David has been doing a terrific job cleansing you where I instructed him to.” Her face burned, and he laughed. “Forgive me. I only meant that he’s been wiping your arms and face. I thought he could use a task to feel useful.”

  “He wasn’t the one who put the catheter in, was he?”

  His eyes twinkled. “Goodness, no. He was more embarrassed than you. Anyway, he’s been afraid to move you too much; he stuck to your arms and face.”

  “Great,” she said just as her stomach let out a terrible growl. “Oh, my gosh!”

  “I believe the beast inside you is ready to be fed. Let’s get you in the shower. Do you think you can stand and walk to the bathroom?”

  “Yeah.” Jane slid her legs over the side of the bed.

  Bedivere helped her stand, but he moved back after she was up.

  Jane pressed her lips together and took a step. “Ow!” All the air came rushing out of her mouth as she almost collapsed from the excruciating pain that ripped through her body.

  Bedivere rushed back to her and lifted her up. “I think you can worry about walking after you eat.” He carried her toward the bathroom as she struggled to catch her breath.

  She felt silly for being carried, but she was thankful. Walking hurt too much.

  Bedivere set her down on the counter. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. Thank you.”

  He smiled. “It’s going to be very painful for a few days. Relax for a moment while I get something to cover the bandages.”

  He left and was back with a roll of plastic wrap before she could count to ten. Their speed amazed her.

  “I know it hurts, but lift your arms for me.”

  Jane grit her teeth and complied. Thankfully, Bedivere worked quickly, and he was done in no time.

  “Good job,” he said as there was a knock on the door.

  Jane looked over, she could almost sense David on the other side.

  “Here, cover yourself.” Bedivere handed her a towel and waited until she was covered before he opened the door.

  It was David, and he was holding a folding chair. Bedivere moved back for him, and she smiled shyly when David briefly made eye contact with her.

  She thought his cheeks turned pink, but he looked away so quickly she wasn’t positive. Bedivere shook his head, smiling as they watched David position the chair inside the shower. He even stepped back, snatching a hand towel off a shelf before placing it on the seat of the chair.

  Jane pressed her lips together to keep herself from awing. He was too cute.

  As he turned around, she realized he hadn’t meant for them to watch him as he shifted his stance nervously all while he avoided looking at her exposed skin.

  “Uh—” he said, shaking his head, still not looking at her. “I will just wait in the room if you need anything.” He didn’t wait for either of them to respond and moved for the door but still glared at Bedivere who was barely hiding his laughter.

  “Wait,” Jane said, smiling when he came to an abrupt halt. “Could you find me some clothes to change into when I’m done?”

  Bedivere chuckled at the blank look on David’s face now.

  “Yes, of-of course,” David said, stammering a bit over his words. “I will be right back. I’ll give them to Bed.” He was out the door in a flash.

  Bedivere laughed now. “I have never seen him so flustered. All right, let me help you get into the shower.”

  He sat her down on the chair, turned on the water and made sure that she could reach everything before he stepped back. “I will put your clothes on the counter, and you can call for David if you need anything. You are free to pull the wrap off or wait until I return. I need to leave with Arthur, but I can be back if there are any problems. I think you will be okay, though. Just get back in bed when you are finished.”

  “Okay. Thank you for everything.”

  “You are very welcome.” He smiled and gently caressed her head. “You should have David make you some breakfast when you’re done—he’s a terrific cook.”


  “Good. I will see you later, Jane.”

  After Bedivere left her alone, she heard him speaking quietly to David. She didn’t know what he was telling him, but it didn’t last very long because a few seconds later, the bedroom door shut.

  She sighed and removed the now wet towel to begin her seated shower. It wasn’t an easy task. The bandages were tight and made it hard to move. The slightest movements seemed to hurt the most. There was no getting out of this, though. She wasn’t going to spend another hour covered in old blood and whatever else stuck to her skin.

  She held her breath as she bathed, swallowing her painful cries. Now, all she had left to do was rinsing the conditioner out. But she wanted to cry. Every movement, every second was hurting more and more.

  “OW!” Jane began panting as the stabbing sensation in her chest grew more intense.

  “Jane, are you all right?” David called from the room.

  “It hurts, but I’m all right,” she answered him quickly.

  “Sweetheart, I think you need to get back in bed now.”

  Her eyes went wide because she realized he wasn’t just outside the door—he was in the bathroom with her now!

  “My hair still has soap in it,” she blurted out without thinking.

  He was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke again. “Do you have something to cover yourself with?”

  Jane glanced at the wet towel hanging on the rail and answered. “Yes.”

  “Cover yourself, and I will help rinse your hair.”

  Jane knew she had to listen or she could wind up sprawled on the shower floor. She pulled the towel over her lap, holding it up was out of the question because of the pain was too great. At least she was already covered around her chest. “I’m ready.”

  David opened the shower door slowly. He gave her a tight smile and immediately reached for her hair.

  She stiffened at first, but his touch felt so good that she quickly closed her eyes and relaxed while he massaged her scalp.

  “What happened?” he asked, still working the soap out of her hair.

  His touch had soothed her so much, she almost didn’t respond. “Oh, nothing. I think it’s just going to be sore for a while. I feel really tired.”

  She quickly opened her eyes when his hands disappeared and watched him shut off the water. Without him touching her, she could think clearly again. It also meant that her pain was the main focus.

  Her breath came out fast, and David’s attention instantly returned to her.

  “What is it?” He looked her over carefully.

  “It just hurts. Do you think you can get me a dry towel and help me get out?”

  David nodded and handed her the clean towel he grabbed from the counter. Without another word, he turned around and closed his eyes. Despite the agony she was in, she grinned at his thoughtfulness and removed the wet towel to wrap herself in the dry one. “I’m ready.”

  David turned back to her and put his arm around her to lift her up. She nearly swooned but hid her face so he wouldn’t see her dreamy look.

  “Don’t move,” he said as he gently placed her on the bed. “I will get your clothes.” He went back into the bathroom and returned in no time with her clothes and an extra towel. “I’ll wait in the hall. Call me when you are dressed, and I will help you back in bed.”

  Before she could reply, he was out the door.

  She looked at what he’d given her to wear. There was a pair of white cotton panties, a man’s T-shirt, and sweat pants. She grabbed the panties and awkwardly slid them on. It felt like she had run a marathon by the time she had them on properly; she was almost sweating. She let out a breath after adjusting them. The pain just wouldn’t go away now. It seemed David’s presence provided her pain relief, or at least distracted her enough that her brain couldn’t help but to turn to mush when he was close.

  Jane sighed, put her feet through her pants, and pulled them up. Now the shirt. It was a plain gray tee; an extra-large, and David’s scent was all over it. Is this his? She put it to her nose and inhaled deeply. It’s his!

  It was stupid, but she felt giddy that he’d given it to her. He smelled so good. It was a bit creepy of her, but she wanted to roll in his scent. She held the shirt and tried lifting her arms over her head. The movement made her eyes water, and she whimpered.

  “Jane, are you all right?” David called from the closed door. “Do you need help?”

  He hears everything! Briefly, she debated on letting him help her. It would be stupid not to just take the help again. He’d already seen her in less.

  “Yes, I need help.”

  The door opened, and he peeked his head in before entering. He looked a
t her chest but remained a gentleman by not ogling her. “Do you need me to take off the plastic?”

  “Please. And help me put my shirt on. It feels like my chest is going to explode whenever I move my arms.”

  David quickly kneeled and began removing the wrap. His brows furrowed while he concentrated on not tugging her too roughly. She smiled at sweet he was being.

  Jane found herself staring at his face and then down toward his powerful chest. Entranced, she then admired his muscular arms and the way they flexed with each movement his hands made.

  She felt strange. Burning.

  She started panting. I’m so hot…

  David removed the last piece of plastic and looked up. His eyes drifted over her face, but Jane could only stare at his lips.

  He swallowed and didn’t look away from her face as he reached for the shirt.

  Jane saw him move, but it seemed like she was looking at him through a very small window. She tried to focus on his face. He moved slowly, as if he were keeping himself from making sudden movements—like he was encountering a wild animal.

  He raised the shirt over her head, and for a second, she felt tightness around her entire body.

  David paused. She thought she heard something fall, but he was moving again, although now he looked far away. Almost like she was glancing through a peephole of a door. Something blocked her vision, and the constricting feeling around her body let up.

  David came back into view, and she realized he’d slid the shirt over her head.

  She didn’t understand what had happened, David seemed to want to say something as he kept searching her eyes for something, but he shook his head and carefully pulled her arms through the shirt.

  “Is that better?” he asked.

  At first, she didn’t know what he meant. Blinking, she wondered if she’d almost blacked out. By the way he continuously searched every part of her face, she could tell something worried him. It scared her to see him worried. He didn’t need to worry.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  David didn’t look satisfied by her response, but he stayed quiet and lifted her into his arms again.

  This time, she sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. She swore he nuzzled her and nearly turned to kiss his cheek.