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  • Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2) Page 29

Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2) Read online

Page 29

  Savaş chuckled, leading the way with Monica. “I’m sure that will cheer Mon up.”

  Monica winked at Logan, and he flipped her off.

  “Don’t tease me, Logan.” Monica pouted, hugging Savaş.

  “You’re impossible.” Savaş kissed the top of Monica’s head before glancing at Logan. “Are you getting ready to go see her?”

  “No, it’s Kylie’s birthday,” Logan said. “I don’t want us to deal with anything today.”

  “That’s understandable. You still have your phone?” Savaş asked as he followed Monica out. His huge red Hummer was parked behind Ryder’s pale gray Camaro. She hadn’t realized until now that they’d driven that last night.

  “Tercero gave me one last night,” Logan answered as he looked over at the black vehicle. His mouth fell open as Mark and Savaş laughed. “No way,” Logan said, breathless. “That’s a one-hundred-thousand-dollar car.”

  “Try one-fifty,” Savaş corrected. “This is the Nismo.”

  “You’re fucking with me.” Logan pulled Kylie to the black car, her eyes taking in the GTR emblem as he dragged her around to the driver’s side door. “Are you serious? He’s not going to come kill me for driving it, is he?”

  Savaş shook his head. “He just wanted Sorrow back. Go check it out.”

  Logan let go of her hand and got in. He let his hand slide over the red and black leather seats, then gripped the steering wheel.

  “It’s a sweet ride,” Mark said before opening the passenger door. Kylie tried to listen to him and Logan talk cars, but it made no sense to her, so she looked over at Savaş.

  He grinned as he lifted a cigarette to his lips. “Eighteen, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows and pocketed his lighter.

  “Yeah,” she said, smiling awkwardly at Monica as she walked to her boyfriend.

  “Happy birthday.” He put an arm around Monica’s shoulders.

  She said thanks the same moment Monica wished her the same.

  “Um,” Kylie mumbled, looking over to see Logan still absorbed in his conversation with Mark. “Did you happen to hear anything about my stepsister?”

  Savaş blew out a puff of smoke and shook his head. “Not really. Ryder told us to let him know if they left the hospital.” He took a drag from his cigarette. “I saw you met Luc. How did that go?”

  “He was mean,” was all she could think to say. No way was she going to tell him she’d mocked Janie and their family the entire time.

  “Luc is always mean.” Monica shivered. “Gives me the creeps. At least he’s gorgeous.”

  “I didn’t know about Janie when I talked to him,” Kylie whispered, staring at Savaş to see if there was any hint he knew what she’d said. “I tried to call Logan when things happened with Maura. I had no idea she was hurt.”

  “Yeah. Luc is pretty pissed.” A wicked gleam danced in his eyes like he knew exactly what she’d said. “He doesn’t want you anywhere near Janie.”

  Monica looked away from her phone, eyeing Kylie. “Uh-oh.”


  “Don’t scare her.” Savaş blew out a stream of smoke. “Try not to worry. Luc’s focused on Trevor right now. He and Ryder are in full guard mode. Every quarrel with them is void. Even the shit with using you against her and Logan is over.”

  “Just like that?” Kylie couldn’t believe all the crap they put her through was for nothing.

  “Nearly losing her again kinda puts life into perspective for them,” he said. “They used to be the ultimate badasses together, so it’s good to see them tolerating one another. She just needs to heal. Her mind is fucked up, and that makes them a danger to anyone they see as a threat to her. Luckily, Ryder’s hovering over her, so he’s not your problem. And like I said, Luc is focused on finding Trevor. So whatever you did—besides the photos—he’s not going to go out of his way to hurt you.”

  “I still can’t believe Trevor would do that.” Kylie really didn’t. “I haven’t even asked Logan about it. He’s pretty shaken up.”

  “I bet.” Savaş exhaled, shaking his head. “At least you’re safe from being leverage now. It sucks she always needs to get hurt for things to become clear. If shit had happened sooner, they never would’ve had to pretend to get back together.”

  “Yeah, it sucks everyone had to suffer.” She knew he was on to her, just like Ryder. He was thinking she was only mad Janie couldn’t have been hurt sooner.

  Or is it that you really think that and it shows?

  Savaş chuckled, nodding. “Everything happens for a reason. What they did together is the least of your problems though.”

  Kylie glanced at Monica before looking at Savaş again. “That’s bullshit. They got naked.”

  “Relax.” Savaş took another drag. “They made a mistake because they were worried about each other, and you. There are worse things—they could’ve really fucked around behind your backs. But you know the truth.”

  She blew out a breath, holding her head. “Yeah, well, the truth’s been painful since meeting all of you.”

  “We are truth.” He gave Monica’s shoulders a squeeze but addressed Kylie. “Ever think you’re just living in a dream?”

  “This isn’t The Matrix.” She gave him a dirty look when he laughed.

  “Funny.” He smiled menacingly. “You can always leave. No one invited you into our world.”

  Damn, he was harsh. Kylie straightened her posture. “Well, I plan to leave this town as soon as I can. Logan and I will do just fine.”

  “You and Logan, huh?” He chuckled, and it was terrifying. “Logan’s one of us. He won’t leave—even if he thinks he wants to. Grimms don’t get out. His dad wasn’t out. He was just allowed to take time off, you could say, and that gave Logan a chance to have a normal life. But it’ll end.”

  Her blood boiled. “You don’t get to decide what he does.”

  “I didn’t say I did.” He tossed his cigarette before running a hand through his fiery hair. “Logan was fated at the beginning. He’s in forever.” He grinned at Monica’s worried look. “I think they’re right about Luc. It’ll happen soon.” Savaş looked completely fine with whatever cryptic nonsense he was talking about, but Monica looked heartbroken.

  Kylie took a deep breath to calm herself. Savaş had seemed the more approachable Godson brother, but now she could see he was just as insane as the others. “Well, I don’t think Logan should be forced into something he wants nothing to do with, but I think it’ll help him if he can see Janie is doing better. I just don’t think Ryder will let Logan see her any time soon.”

  “If Logan can help her, Ryder will let him see her,” Savaş said.

  “But Ryder told Logan he was done with her—their forever ended.” She was positive Ryder would flip out if Logan showed up at the hospital.

  Fire lit up Savaş’ amber eyes. “Well, it’s not up to Ryder to decide that either. But I don’t blame him for being pissed—Logan was supposed to watch her.”

  She scowled, still irritated Logan even had Janie in his fucking bedroom, staying the night it seemed.

  He narrowed his gaze at her. “Get over your jealousy while this shit’s going on, or you’re going to hurt Logan.”

  “I’m not doing anything!” She hated when they attacked her like this.

  He smiled cruelly, looking so much like Ryder. “We know you hate her—that’s fine—but I’m telling you, don’t act like a brat while she’s hurt. Logan was supposed to keep an eye on her, and it’s got to be killing him right now.

  “She was having a really hard time already, and Ryder had to work with us. Logan volunteered because he wanted to make amends with her. Instead, he failed to tell us that Trevor’s a fucking psycho. Trevor stabbed her, then he beat the shit out of her when she got the knife away. You know what Logan was doing?” He answered the question himself, “He was jacking off in the shower while she was sick in his room. It was pure luck she managed to scream for help before Trevor started choking her, because the sick bastard was
applying so much pressure to her chest that she only had seconds left before permanent damage would’ve been done.”

  Kylie’s legs nearly buckled. He was saying this like it was her fault. “I’m sorry.”

  He closed his eyes, exhaling loudly. “I am, too. It wasn’t your fault. I just think Logan needs to be there for her.” He opened his eyes. “He’s part of our story. It’s not just for her. It’s for him. This part is actually all for him.”

  She frowned, her racing heart slowing to a more bearable pace. It was hard to accept her boyfriend needed another girl, but she was determined to fix Logan.

  Fix him? That wicked smile teased her mind, but she mentally told the bitch to fuck off.

  Monica rubbed Savaş’ stomach, but she focused on Kylie as she said, “She’s like a sister to him.”

  “I get that.” Kylie tried to figure out what path to take. It was all about making Logan happy. That was the only way she’d get her happily ever after with him. He needed to find closure with Janie, and they needed to get away from these crazies.

  Oh, Kylie . . . You never learn.

  She ignored the voice. She was trying to make things better.

  For yourself. They just told you Logan’s a part of their world. You’re ripping him away.

  She ignored what she was hearing. “Logan’s trying to give me today for my birthday, but we can work on this tomorrow.”

  Savaş hugged Monica. “You’ll talk him into going to see her?”

  It wasn’t what she wanted. “Sure.”

  Savaş nodded, pleased. “She’ll probably be able to talk more and tell Ryder to ease up. Logan could probably help her eat—he’s the best for that.”

  Kylie wanted to point out there was no reason to burden Logan with Janie’s eating habits, but she took a deep breath and released her irritation. “I guess. Talk to Ryder and let us know what he says.”

  “I’ll talk to him.” Savaş glanced up; the moon was still visible, but it was just a tiny sliver of silver in the morning sky. “I’ll give Logan a call tomorrow since you two seem to be going out today.” He looked away from the sky. “Logan’s messed up lots of times. But like I said, he’s one of us. Ryder knows that, and he’ll calm down. They just need to work out their past. That’s Logan’s problem—he’s been running for a long-ass time.”

  Kylie wanted to ask for more details on whatever Savaş was thinking about, but she stayed quiet. Nothing good ever came from digging up Logan and Janie’s past.

  Or yours . . .

  Kylie breathed out, pushing the thought away. It made no sense. She knew who she was.

  Do you?

  “I’m sure he hasn’t meant to cause any harm,” she said, ignoring her insanity. It was just stress. She knew who she was. She was Kylie Hood. She had lost her parents, and she was being abused all her life. She never had anyone care about her. No one to trust or believe in her.

  There you go again.

  “I still have the phone Ryder gave me.” She rubbed her temples as a sharp pain shot through her head. “I want to have this day with Logan, but let me know if you’ve had any luck with him.” Kylie thought about what to do and remembered Janie’s bedroom. “Has anyone brought her Dr Pepper? I know that’s strong, but maybe just the sight of it will perk her up.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Savaş said. “I think even Ryder’s too stressed to think about that.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I think that would be the best thing, even if she can’t drink it, you know? Just having someone treat her like she’s normally treated.”

  Monica gave her a genuine smile. “You’re not so bad, Kylie.”

  “Thank you, Kylie.” Savaş grinned, looking slightly like Ryder when he was smiling at Janie. They looked so different, but they must really be brothers.

  “Don’t thank me yet. I haven’t done anything. This is just something to get us started.”

  Monica stood back. “Sometimes something is everything.”


  Happy Birthday, Hood

  “Come on, Hood. You can’t stay hidden in there all day.”

  Kylie looked in the mirror as she smoothed out the red dress Logan had picked out for her. It wasn’t too short, just above her knees because he said he didn’t want anyone else seeing more leg than him. But she hadn’t worn a dress in a long time. So for her, it was short.

  Yet, as she swished from side to side, a giddy smile formed as she appreciated her reflection. It was difficult to like what she saw in the mirror, but it helped to have Logan telling her all morning how pretty she looked. He couldn’t keep his hands from touching her skin either, whether it was rubbing his thumb back and forth on her thigh as he drove, or how he wouldn’t let go of her hand, or how more than once he would lift her hand to kiss the back of it. He just made her feel pretty.

  He’d finally noticed her hair, too. She’d been a little upset about it, but she forgave him because he did have a lot going on. The way he continuously ran his fingers through it made up for him not noticing.

  “Kylie? Come on, baby. We have a lot to do.”

  She blinked and turned to look at the closed door to the dressing room she was in. He told her he had the entire day, down to the hour, planned. The first stop for them happened to be in a nearby town, Hood River. She found it hilarious that he picked it because of her name.

  “Logan, I don’t wear dresses,” she said, looking back at the mirror for the twentieth time. “And we already found an outfit for today.”

  After he told her they were doing several things and it was best to be casual, she’d picked jeans, a pair of red Converse, a white top, and a red cardigan. Now he was trying to persuade her to get a dress.

  “I know. You can’t really wear it for what we’re doing—I just want to see it on you before we go.”

  Giving herself another peek in the mirror, she turned and opened the door. He was right there waiting for her. He didn’t say anything; his eyes fell all over her body before he came to look at her face. His awed expression made her cheeks burn, and she squeaked when he shoved her back inside the dressing room.

  She barely heard the door shut before his lips covered hers. He lifted her up and pressed her against the mirror. With her legs secured around him, he slid his hands up along her thighs until he got to her butt, which he squeezed, then he pulled his lips back.

  “Beautiful.” The word was only a whisper, but his smile against her lips made her feel as though he announced it to the world.

  He dug his fingers into her flesh, just under the edge of her panties as a knock startled them.

  “Sir? Miss?” The store clerk’s voice was nervous but disgusted. “You need to come out of there now.”

  Logan chuckled and pulled his lips away from her neck as he lowered her to her feet. “We’re coming. She just needed help with the zipper.”

  Kylie covered her face as Logan pulled her into a hug and kissed her head.

  “Other guests need the room. Please change and come out.”

  Logan glared at the door but turned her around to get her zipper. “I said we’re coming.” The dangerous edge to his tone seemed to do the trick that time, and they watched the feet quickly move away.

  “I love the dress.” He dropped a kiss to her shoulder. “Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful.”

  Kylie looked up in the mirror and smiled at their reflection. Her thoughts were nothing like the memories of the last time he held her in this same position. No, this time she accepted his words and felt her heart melt under his soft gaze.

  “Thank you.” She smiled at his grin and let him hand her the top he had already bought her from another shop.

  “You’re welcome.” He sat down and watched her dress, his heated gaze sweeping over her body.

  She needed to think of something else or she would just beg him to find them a hotel for the day. “Where are we going after this?”

  He smiled that breathtaking smile he’d only shown her a few times before. “Do you
really want me to spoil Kylie Day?”

  She laughed and pulled on her jeans, smiling because his smile turned to a frown once she had them pulled on. “Is that why you drove us to Hood River?”

  He grinned again. “It’s not Kylie Day without a trip to the Hood. Do you really want to know?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, I’ll tell you, but just because I want you to want to go to the next spots. I promise we’ll spend more time individually later, but today, my goal is to take you on as many ‘first dates’ as I can.”

  She looked up, gaping. “Is that what this is about?”

  “We haven’t gone on a real date.” He stood, raising his hand and rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. “I planned out as many cheesy first dates as I could fit in one day. It’s lame, I know. But I didn’t think we’d be able to do anything together on your birthday. I want to make up for all the dates I should have already taken you on.”

  “It’s not lame.” It was perfect. “I love it.”

  “Good,” he said, leaving a small kiss on her lips. “That means you’ll stay on my schedule. Now let’s go.”

  “Is it just the two of you, sir?”

  Logan nodded at the young woman who couldn’t stop blushing whenever Logan looked at her. Kylie had to contain her laugh because he had already told her about ‘working his magic’ to get them a table faster. They were running a little behind since he spent a little too much time chatting with Mark and Savaş about Ryder’s car. So they were here at one of Hood River’s local cafes trying to beat the busy lunch crowd.

  “Yes.” Logan’s deep voice made her tingle, and she grinned when he squeezed her hand and smiled at the hostess. “Is the wait very long?”

  “Oh, um.” The hostess rubbed her red cheeks as she looked down. “Unfortunately, it’ll be close to forty-five minutes.”

  Logan exhaled as he lifted his dark eyes in an obvious way to check the clock behind the girl. “Hm.” His thumb rubbed across Kylie’s fingers. “Baby, we might have to just pick something up.” He glanced down at her with a frown before looking back at the hostess. “It’s her birthday, and I’ve been a terrible boyfriend.”