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  • Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2) Page 23

Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2) Read online

Page 23

  “I don’t care about your fairy tales,” Kylie spat out bitterly, hating how it humiliated her to have him staring at her as he said that. “And like I’ve told your brother, none of you know anything about me.”

  His eyes darted to hers. “And that is exactly what you’re counting on.”

  Her breath hitched as a wicked smile teased her thoughts.

  He smirked as his eyes lit up his perfect face. “Yes, you’re almost there. I see you’ve done quite the number on yourself to keep this up for so long. It will have to wait though—you are not my immediate concern.”

  “You’ve researched me?” Her mind could barely focus on what he was suggesting.

  “Yes.” He looked downright evil as he smiled. “The others have yet to discover what I have. I assure you, your time is running out. The story, you could say, is nearing its end.”

  “What, are you going to kill me like you let her kill those boys?” Kylie’s eyes went wide.

  He exhaled loudly. “And this is why my brother feared Logan opening his mouth.”

  A yell from down the hall practically shook the walls, “Where is she?”

  Kylie turned at the sound of several loud shouts, and she gasped upon seeing an enraged Ryder Godson storming down the hall as a few nurses and security guards chased after him and his brothers.

  “Where is she?” He knocked a security guard’s hand off his shoulder. “Get the fuck off me before I snap your neck.”

  Kylie stood up without realizing it and froze when Ryder’s wild gaze landed on her.

  He’s looking for me?

  Horror flashed across his face as he seemed to take in her state, but she had no time to react because a voice she knew all too well called out.

  “Ryder!” Logan was calling to him from the direction his father had gone earlier.

  Everyone turned to see him jogging closer in only shorts and running shoes, dried blood covering his bare chest and arms.

  Kylie couldn’t move or speak.

  Ryder seemed to get stuck in a daze, just like she was, as Logan stepped close to him. Tercero put a comforting hand on the terrifying bad boy’s shoulder as he stood, paralyzed, waiting for whatever news Logan was about to deliver.

  Logan hadn’t spotted her just yet. He raised his hands up in surrender. “She’s alive.”

  Ryder let out a relieved breath as Tercero and Savaş patted his back, but they all yelled when he reared back and threw a punch right at Logan’s jaw. “You were supposed to keep her safe!”

  Logan didn’t even try to protect himself when Ryder swung at him again, but his brothers intercepted and held him as he kept yelling this was Logan’s fault—that he should have been watching her.

  Harsh, painful breaths pushed past her lips as Logan continued to stand there, allowing himself to get hit again when Ryder broke free. He wasn’t even trying to defend himself, and she couldn’t take it.

  She couldn’t watch someone else be hurt. “Stop!” Tears slid down her cheeks, and Logan snapped his head up at the sound of her voice.

  Logan swung his head around, locking eyes with her before running toward her. His gaze darted to where Luc stood before returning to her. “Baby,” he said as he came to a stop. His warm hands grabbed the sides of her face as he kept looking her over, struggling to find words.

  “It’s not my blood.” She wrapped her arms around his waist as he thanked God. She didn’t even register her face was pressed against the dried blood on his chest.

  Ryder started shouting at Luc, but his brothers continued to keep him back.

  Logan pulled her face away from his chest, dropping a kiss to her lips. “You’re okay?”

  “Yes,” she said and pulled his face back to hers. Logan kissed her but pulled back again quickly.

  “Whose blood is this?” he asked as his thumb came up to rub her cheek.

  “It’s Maura’s.” Her eyes watered as she realized she’d shut off all thoughts about her stepsister.

  He stared at her, confused, before an officer walked up to him.

  “Sir, your girlfriend”—the officer frowned at Kylie—“is becoming combative. We need you to calm her down because they’re about to sedate her. They might have already, actually.”

  “She’s not his girlfriend,” Ryder yelled. “Where is she?”

  “You are?” The officer was in for a world of trouble judging by the violent spark that lit Ryder’s green eyes.

  Logan moved fast and put himself between Ryder and the cop. He grabbed him by the shoulders and spoke in a low voice that only Ryder and his brothers seemed to hear.

  A few threats and curse words were thrown at Logan, but Ryder nodded before Logan turned, speaking to the officer. “He’s going to be better at calming her down.”

  Ryder stepped around Logan, his low voice so calm it scared her more than any yell or angry look he’d ever given her. “You have three seconds to show me where my baby is.”

  The officer couldn’t even stand up to the eighteen-year-old, who’d clearly had enough, and pointed down the hall. “She’s in number thirteen.” The cop flinched as Ryder and his brothers left in the direction he’d pointed.

  “Is she stable?” Luc asked.

  Logan pulled Kylie to his side, then turned toward the elder Godson brother. “What are you doing here?”

  Luc smiled with the same menace Ryder often did. “You texted your father. Did you forget he is in my debt? As are you, so spare me the lies; I know you’re with this girl. You’re all foolish to believe I’m that easily deceived. Now tell me her status before I finish what my brother started.”

  Logan closed his eyes, but he opened them when she grabbed a hold of his hand. He looked down, and she felt her heart ache at the defeat in his normally confident stare.

  “I’m here,” she whispered as her horrible words about Janie from just minutes ago echoed in her head.

  Logan lifted her hand to kiss the back of it, and she nearly sobbed. He’d clearly been in an accident with Janie, and that was why he hadn’t called her back.

  Luc had been right, her nasty words would come back to bite her, and she didn’t know if she could handle it anymore.

  “She lost consciousness for a bit,” Logan said, his bloody and swollen hand shaking. “The knife wound only sliced at her stomach. She managed to get him back, but he overpowered her. They’re worried about the lack of oxygen to her brain from him strangling her, but she remembered me. She kept trying to ask for Ryder. They said it’s a good sign that she’s trying though—and that she remembers us.” He squeezed her hand hard and took a deep breath. “I don’t know how long she fought him for. It couldn’t have been too long, but she didn’t do as well as she can. She wasn’t feeling good beforehand, but I think she just froze up because it was him.”

  “Logan,” Kylie whispered, catching sight of his red eyes. He was barely containing his tears and rage.

  Luc showed no emotion as he continued his questioning. “Why are you not aware of how long she fought? Where were you?” His eyes barely drifted to Kylie’s before returning to Logan.

  “I was taking a shower,” Logan answered.

  There must have been something in his low tone that Luc picked up on. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Logan just sighed and looked down the hall.

  Luc asked, “Is he dead?”

  “No.” Logan lowered his gaze to the floor. “She managed to cut him, and I fought him, but he got away.”

  What the hell happened? Her thoughts spun out of control. One question was front and center though: Why was Logan even alone with Janie?

  “You’ll never do what’s necessary, will you?” Luc sneered. “You’re a disgrace to her and your family’s name. You would put your entire legacy at stake for—” He snarled, clenching his fist.

  Logan snapped his head back around and gave Luc a dark look. “I’ll do what’s necessary. I thought she was dead. She wasn’t breathing, and I didn’t know how bad her cut was. I left him to
call for help—I didn’t expect him to get up.”

  Luc chuckled. “Well, he did. Now I suppose it will be up to me to hunt him down and see that this is done, once and for all. You and my brother are useless.”

  Logan let go of her and stepped toe to toe with Luc. They were the same height, so they stared right into each other’s eyes. “And you’re one of the reasons she’s so fucked up right now.”

  Luc laughed; it reminded her of the menacing laugh Ryder often gave everyone. “So are you. Don’t forget your pride, jealousy, and betrayal made her fall in the first place. I simply offered her what you both couldn’t give. None of you can save her. You can’t protect anyone. I can. But each of you schemed up some foolish plan to keep this girl safe.” He let his eyes dart down to Kylie. “I’m sure this inconsiderate child will soon realize you’re not who she’s dreamed you up to be, and what will you do then?” He focused on Logan again. “Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? A girl who thought you hung the moon for all to cherish—only, you were the very force that would blow it apart.”

  Logan’s fist balled up as he let out an angry noise. “Kylie is my girlfriend. And if you try to slither your way between us, you better believe I’ll snap your neck. Don’t fuck with me, Luc. I’m done hiding from what I am. You want to take your chances against me—try. I promise you’ll regret it.”

  Luc smirked as he shook his head. “You act as though I am incapable of killing you with my bare hands. You are no match for me, just as you’re no match for my little brother.”

  “Then you won’t mind finding out.” Logan’s muscles jumped.

  Kylie’s heart pounded as she looked between them.

  Luc wasn’t afraid. He met Logan’s stare evenly and spoke with absolute confidence. “Perhaps when she is not in such a delicate state, I’ll allow you to see just how outmatched you are. You have no idea what beast you’ve awoken by calling me—using my queen—as bait for this girl. After all this time, you’d destroy her for a girl you barely know.

  “Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised though. It would be you who turns your back on her for—” He laughed, his gaze sliding down Kylie’s figure before staring Logan down. “Open your eyes, Logan. The answers are right in front of you, and you’re choosing to walk blindly into darkness. Again. You’re the biggest disappointment in her life.”

  Kylie looked between them, her heart throbbing as she tried to make sense of everything. Janie was hurt, and Logan had saved her, but he’d let someone get away because Janie wasn’t breathing.

  Told you you’re a monster, the voice that sounded identical to hers taunted. Wishing the worst on a girl fighting for her life.

  “It was a mistake,” Logan growled. “If you didn’t keep such a tight leash on my family, I would be able to handle things on my own. Even after our arrangement, you won’t even let me see the text or have support without any fucking price.”

  Luc scoffed. “You’ve proven repeatedly you cannot be trusted to make decisions, which is why your father entrusted his estate and the text to me. I might have taken full advantage of it, had it not been for her love for you both.”

  Kylie gritted her teeth together and grabbed a hold of Logan’s hand before moving to stand beside him, earning both men’s stares. “Stop making him feel bad for his old mistakes. He’s clearly had a hard night.”

  Luc chuckled, shaking his head. “Bury the past. Yes, I see you are more suited for each other than I originally thought. You’re exactly what he wanted.” His eyes flicked back to Logan, appraising him with disgust. “A pretty picture, isn’t that how she saw it? Forget the mess of things surrounding its creation.”

  She let go of Logan’s hand and shoved Luc in the chest before either of them saw it coming. He didn’t budge—he was solid as a rock. Still, she stood her ground, her voice shaking as badly as she was, “I didn’t know she was hurt, and I don’t know what you’re talking about with your stupid riddles—but all you had to do was say something, and I wouldn’t have been so mean. Don’t take it out on him.”

  Logan pulled her back, angling himself between her and Luc. “Stay away from Kylie.”

  “Believe me, I wish I could.” He stepped closer to Logan. “But you opened your fucking mouth, and now so has she. Think hard, boy. Think about what it is that truly lured you to this—” Luc cast a disdainful glance her way before walking away as he muttered to himself, “I should never have promised her . . .”

  “I’m sorry,” Kylie whispered, remembering she’d blurted out the secret Logan had entrusted her with. She didn’t want him in trouble.

  “It’s okay, Hood.” He hugged her, but he stared after Luc in a daze before shaking his head and focusing on her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m not hurt.” She tightened her arms around him when she spotted Kevin and four police officers walking their way.

  Logan cupped her cheek, his eyes still strained, but they softened as he said, “I love you. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. Did you call me? I don’t even have my phone. Everything happened so fast.”

  “It’s okay. I understand now. I love you, too,” she said before he lowered his lips to hers. Logan didn’t even try to hide his actions or keep them short and sweet. With a low rumble coming from his chest, he lifted one hand to the back of her neck while the other grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him.

  The magic his kiss always created stilled the chaos inside her mind and body. There was just Logan. His strong body against hers—his heat—his lips keeping hers captive. All her bad thoughts drifted away.

  “Happy birthday, by the way.” His breath danced against her moist lips, and she smiled when his touched hers sweeter this time.

  “It is my birthday, isn’t it?”

  He nodded, not moving when a throat cleared. In fact, he gave her another soft kiss and hugged her closer. “Yes,” he said, his lips brushing against her ear. “I’m still going to make sure it’s the best birthday you’ve ever had. And you’re not going to your house ever again.”

  “Kylie?” Kevin called.

  She sighed as Logan growled at Kevin’s agitated tone, but Logan hugged her again and turned his face to place a kiss on her cheek.

  Kevin let out a frustrated breath. “Kylie, you need to say goodbye. Now.”

  That had her gripping Logan tighter and had Logan’s body tensing as he leaned out of their hug and pulled her to his side.

  Kevin shook his head at them. “I don’t know why you’re here, Logan.” He gestured to his shirtless chest. “But clearly, you have some sort of emergency of your own to attend to.”

  “I can be here now.” Logan turned, kissing her hair. “I am here now.”

  The muscle in Kevin’s jaw ticked as he looked between them. “Don’t you have a girlfriend? My family has had a terrible night, and I won’t have you trying to take advantage of one of my daughters just because your girlfriend isn’t currently at your side.”

  “Kylie is my girlfriend,” Logan said, ignoring the questioning look Kevin gave her. “I’ll make sure she’s not taken advantage of.”

  “Mr. Blackwood,” said one of the officers, “is there a problem?”

  Kevin gave Logan a challenging stare. “That’s up to Logan here.”

  Logan focused his fierce gaze on the cops. “I’m not leaving her with you guys. So tell us what’s going on, or we’re leaving.”

  She pulled away from Logan, but he gripped her tight and didn’t let her get far. “It’s okay,” she said with a small smile before focusing on Kevin. “We lied about the breakup. I just thought it would be less of a hassle if you believed we were broken up. I’m sorry for lying. It was just hard to deal with. I had nothing to do with how things happened or my reaction though. That was all his ex-girlfriend’s fault.” Logan tensed beside her, but she needed to get this out. Kevin deserved to know, and she deserved a chance to defend herself from the mess that was unfolding. “I never meant to lie to you. I swear.”

  Kevin ran hi
s hand over his face, his anger flashing in his eyes as he took in Logan’s closeness to her. “We’ll discuss you lying and this relationship of yours another time. I don’t think I can calmly listen to whatever excuse he has for what I saw with my own two eyes.”

  Logan pulled her back to his side. “I don’t have to explain anything my best friend and I do to protect each other.”

  Kylie’s heart thundered at the fury in his tone. Once again, he was pointing out he was protecting Janie. The dried blood on his body was the only reason she held back from snapping at him. He’d been through too much and she needed to find out what had happened first.

  Kevin’s blue eyes turned to ice, but he, too, hesitated at Logan’s devastated but violent state. “I will let this go for now, Logan. But she’s coming with me so we can clear up this matter with Maura.”

  “Is she all right?” Kylie asked quickly.

  “She’s still in surgery,” Kevin said. “I don’t know what’s happening, just that she’s received a transfusion and a vascular surgeon is with her. Now come with us so we can fix this issue your mother is screaming about.”

  “What issue?” Logan asked.

  Kevin glared at him. “She believes Kylie is responsible for Maura’s accident tonight. She wants her taken into custody.”

  Logan studied Kevin before looking at her.

  “I had nothing to do with it,” she told him. She knew Logan didn’t suspect her—that he was just trying to figure out what had happened, so she explained what she could. “She came into my room talking crazy stuff, then I noticed she’d slit her wrists.”

  Logan’s eyes widened, and he squeezed her tight.

  It gave her the courage to explain the rest. “She collapsed and I called for help. Lorelei is lying. I didn’t do anything!”

  He nodded and kissed her head. “I know, baby.” He looked back at Kevin before addressing who appeared to be the cop in charge. “Can’t you just tell if the wounds are self-inflicted or not?”